Saturday, March 19, 2005


Well I've done it!

Ive been lasered. Im sick of waxing! Truely it doesn't hurt half as much as waxing and was about half as long in time taken. But yes it was twice as expensive.

The guy said see you in a month, no sunbaking in those areas and no waxing. Thats it, quite simple really.

The pain is like a thin elastic snapping at your skin. Not a dull snap but a very short twang. Not exactly unpleasant.

Apparently the hair will start to fall out in approx 10 days time. He warned me that it will be a bit weird at first.

Well theres my girly blog for the half year. Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


At 1:48 am , Blogger Nyum said...


Wow... Did it go red after being lazered??


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