Thursday, February 24, 2005


Had a fantastic catch up session with an ex work collegue tonight. We were just supposed to be catching up quickly but we obviously had some things to talk about. Well a coffee got changed to dinner and a drink and next thing we knew it was 9pm. Damm!

Didn't realise how much I was upset about what has been happening but it all started to pour out one after another until I stopped (lost my train of thought) and realised how unhappy I am.

Will do something about that starting tomorrow.

Also today I've was informed that I have to give back my reserved car spot at work. NOT HAPPY! I took this change in position as they wanted me to. Im loosing money, having to drive in peak hour to ge there and dont get any weekdays off work. So I also now have to hand back the XDA.

Found out that I can't unregister the push work (corporate)email to my handset so everytime someone sends me a mail i get an encrypted sms on my phone. Not good.

Tomorrow I have training for a application I know extremely little about. I had heard of the name - Novell Groupwise- but thats it. I've never used it and dont know what the diffferences are between that and exchange.

Oh well might just have to do the whole low cut shirt blonde bimbo routine to get through the day.

Have fun peeps!


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