Friday, November 26, 2004

Late night report writing

Well its now early morning report writing but at least its getting done. I've been putting these off for ages and now must write them quick smart.

There is only so many ways you can say that someone is working well and has met all competencies. I hate using cut and paste but sometimes its just easier this way and makes it have some kind of consistancy.

Data training well, hope I didn't annoy the trainers that much. Sorry if I did guys. Its just that I had a good understanding on most of the products before I started the training, and so was a little bored and frustrated that I couldn't learn more indept things.

Anyway I still have a long way to go before I could comfotably apply for a fully technical IP/WLAN role. But its not what I really want.
Hey at least I can support my mums laptop over the phone. This is sometimes quite a feat considering she didnt even know how to power the laptop up when it arrived.

Anyway I better get back to the reports.

Have a good day


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