Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sun shining down on me

One of the best things about Sydney has to be the amount of sunshine. I was in Auckland during Dec/Jan and saw perhaps 1 good day of sun. Pathetic!.

One of the great things about my place is the amount of sun. In the morning the back courtyard. Followed by the front balcony in the afternoon.

Just been out for a quick bake. Way too hot. 15 mins each side and Im done. Ding! Time to turnover and cook the other side. 15 mins later Ding! All cooked, so its off inside to put a new CD in the player (CD ended just as I came inside- well done me). Then find something to do for 45 mins.

Might go ring Mother. Is it rude to say after 45 mins,"ok I've got to go sunbake now, must dash. Bye"? Cheecky girl I know but sometimes its required.

Must dash


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