Sunday, March 13, 2005

Oh dear

Well I put the first mark on the Alfa the other day. I did something ive never done before. I reversed into a tree.

Quite silly really, I was reversing up the drive when I remembered the tree that sticks out. I stopped turned and looked and saw a tree heaps down the drive. Plenty of space. Then next second, crash I hit the tree. The tree I saw was the second tree.

It has left a decent size scratch on the rear bar near the wheel arch. Not good.

Oh well nothing I can do about it now.


At 12:17 am , Blogger Nyum said...


Is it very noticeable? OR just a slight bump?

At 9:21 am , Blogger whatever said...

No seriously I have never caused this much damage to any motor vehicle before. I will be getting it fixed soon as I can find a reptuable place that doesnt cost a fortune.


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