Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Inside Vs outside

Isn't it funny that people who see you everyday have absolutely no idea how your feeling on the inside.

I've told a few people what has happened yet they don't really believe me and think that it will all smooth itself over in a few days. Well people its been 7 days since i was told to piss off and its not looking like its going to rectify itself.

Note to all - Never believe anyone that says that they will never leave you, that they will always love you. It only happens in fairytales.

I didn't realise how much I relied on him. Not only for support and reassurance but for info on things I have no idea about. Here I am trying to connect my lappy up so I can run a movie on it but what it on the TV screen. Its just not working.

Anyway nothing I can do about it.



At 10:13 pm , Blogger Mei said...

I made the same mistake of falling for that too, and waited. Hope that you'll feel better soon, I am sure there will be another guy out there that says that he'll love you and mean it.

At 1:04 am , Blogger Nyum said...

*waves a sign* "Tech Guru... Tech Guru"


Make sure the cables are all connected in first... I can't remember your laptop off the top of my head... but if I recall correctly...

Right click your screen
Click on PropertiesClick on the Settings Tab
Click on the Advanced button
Hopefully you should have a Displays tab.
Now, this Tab should show if you have a TV connection or not. If so, you'll see a red power button you can click that's above the TV icon.
After you click on that you'll be presented with 2 options below the TV image. (you can actually see these 2 options below your normal panel image)
You'll have a Circle with a dot in the middle. Looks a little like a bullseye. This means Primary display.
The second icon with 2 Windows in it, means secondary display
If you have both your Panel and your TV On then by default, the Panel will be set to Primary and TV Secondary.

Even tho they BOTH show a picture on the screen (if you get that far), when you run a video, only the Primary output device will show direct draw elements.

So, click Primary under the TV and it should all be good.

NOW... if that doesn't work for you... and your Video card menu is integrated with the right click options...

Then... from the very very main screen, right click screen, you may have a displays option there and may have a TV option you can choose.

Give that a go. If all fails... then... most projectors actually have a Monitor IN port ;) Just get a Monitor cable, plug them both in... and hit your Function key and your Monitor Key (this should either be F4 or F5 on most laptops)

Hope that helps ;p But I haven't seen your laptop in a looooooong time... so can't write you a comprehensive guide ;p

At 9:25 am , Blogger whatever said...

My own lappy is telling me I dont have permission to change the settings! Um I'll have another go tomorrow.


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