Thursday, March 03, 2005

The end

Ever been promised the world yet not even bought a city?
Ever had a promise broken yet another one made for it never to happen again?
Yet time and time again the circle continues.

Why is it that I allow myself to stay in this circle and not heed peoples requests to break?
Why do I keep kidding myself that it will be different this time?
Why do I try to convince myself that this time is for real?
Yet as soon as I have myself convinced it all falls.

For all I am is a pawn in a game
For someone else to play and amuse themselves
For my to loose and them to win
For this is my life, my life to loose
Yet I sit and do nothing, just sit and wait.

And all that comes with it
No one else here to blame
Decisions that weren't made by me
Yearning for me to implore

Well this is the end
The end of the drama
Forever is final.


At 12:30 am , Blogger Nyum said...

The End??

I was sure this was titled something else. Are you okay?? You're not going to do something stupid are you???

At 7:46 am , Blogger whatever said...

I was thinking of having some fun, enjoy myself and see what happens. So if you call that stupid, then yes I am.

Anyway its back to looking after myself, cause no one looks after me properly.

At 1:49 am , Blogger Nyum said...

Sounded like you were having fun over the phone ;p

nice to see you a little more chirpy.


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