Im getting there
Im getting better but still coughing heaps. So its another day of rest for me. Prolly tomorrow as well.
Have to go n get kittys some food now but will be driving there and back and grabbing lunch for me as well whilst im out.
Im bored!
Patience of a saint
Mother decided that she wanted to go to Football again this weekend so I made her buy the tickets online herself this time.
I have just spent 75mins showing her how to find, purchase etc accomodation and football tickets for this weekend. 75 mins is a bloody long time to be hand holding someone. The sites aren't that hard to use the have very clear things like..... book now buttons to actually purchase the tickets.
Things she keeps forgetting:
1. You need to click in the box before you can type
2. Her email address
3. Her mobile number
4. That im sick and thus patience is really hard at present
5. She lacks confidence in being able to think for herself.
6. How to say Adobe (she says it as A-bode as in a house)
I now have a headache and am totally drained but the tickets are booked.
I thought children were supposed to be the ones who drive their parents mad. NOT the other way around. This is totally not fair!
Still here
I thought i would have been better by now but no I under estimated my capabilities of getting better.
I never thought driving a car was exhausting until today when I had to drive myself to the doctors 15 mis away. Luckily I was able to call in at my sis's place on the way. Hope your better soon pumpkin.
I promise im not the reason she is sick!
Anyway sleep time for me I think. I bought some watermelon on the way home and it tasted nice so i ate some more. I think I found my watermelon limit :(
Oh Nyum I bought Star fruit too. Checkout chicky couldnt find it on the list so she gave it to me for 40cents. Bargain!
Quite sick
If anyone hasn't been able to find me its because im at home in bed quite sick. Everything is getting better but im still not up to being out of bed for long.
This is day 3 away from work. Can't remember the last time I was away from work sick for this long.
Anyway im drained, back to sleep
Talky peoples
isnt it funny how people are told things and although you dont say " do not repeat this to anyone" you think that is self explainitory but its not.
I didnt think i was interesting enough for people to talk about me but apparently I am.
Im back
Well some of you would be excited to learn that im back otherwise couldn't give a care.
Anyway I've decided that I need to get on with my life and those who don't care for me anymore should just get over themselves and move on.
To those who haven't called me in sometime then the ball has now been placed in your court.* If you contact me then the friendship remains but if you dont then you really aren't someone I want to call my friend.
So there I've said it. Could be construde as rude but I seriously have been spending too much time and effort of those who really dont give a shit about me. This has now stopped.
*Please note that this list is quite long, ask the person who had to copy all of my numbers out of my phone for me. So if you think im referring to you, you are not alone.
Anyway if off to do things for myself.