Saturday, July 23, 2005

Im back

Well some of you would be excited to learn that im back otherwise couldn't give a care.

Anyway I've decided that I need to get on with my life and those who don't care for me anymore should just get over themselves and move on.

To those who haven't called me in sometime then the ball has now been placed in your court.* If you contact me then the friendship remains but if you dont then you really aren't someone I want to call my friend.

So there I've said it. Could be construde as rude but I seriously have been spending too much time and effort of those who really dont give a shit about me. This has now stopped.

*Please note that this list is quite long, ask the person who had to copy all of my numbers out of my phone for me. So if you think im referring to you, you are not alone.

Anyway if off to do things for myself.


At 1:56 pm , Blogger Mei said...

Wooohooooo! :D Bravo! Good on you!


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