Thursday, July 28, 2005

Still here

I thought i would have been better by now but no I under estimated my capabilities of getting better.

I never thought driving a car was exhausting until today when I had to drive myself to the doctors 15 mis away. Luckily I was able to call in at my sis's place on the way. Hope your better soon pumpkin.

I promise im not the reason she is sick!

Anyway sleep time for me I think. I bought some watermelon on the way home and it tasted nice so i ate some more. I think I found my watermelon limit :(

Oh Nyum I bought Star fruit too. Checkout chicky couldnt find it on the list so she gave it to me for 40cents. Bargain!



At 5:04 am , Blogger Nyum said...

Damn!! I should go get me some starfruit!


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