Monday, August 01, 2005

Cough Cough

Well im still coughing heaps but apart from that I feel fine. Went with the idea of getting contacts this morning but alas they did have my script available. So they have to order them in. What a waste of time. I took the day off work so that I had enough time of get them.

So I have to go back on Tuesday morning next week. So that means I have to ask if I can go into work late on Tuesday. Don't know if that is going to be ok or not.


At 12:08 am , Blogger Nyum said...

It's for medical reasons... I don't see why you can't ;)

At 4:33 pm , Blogger Mei said...

Get well soon!

I've got the cough cough too..... now the cough is gone and I am sniffing! :(

At 2:39 pm , Blogger whatever said...

Cant blame me on you being sick! I haven't seen you since you up and left us at work. Glad your enjoying your new job


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