Its here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well im now connected to a 8MB connection. Well owing to certain factors we are only getting 7.6, but hey its better than the 512kb we were getting before.
Anyway I know a lot of people don't give a toss about this but im quite impressed. And I hate to say it but its what matters to me! My opinion, So there nerrrr. :P
See ya
New connection
Just wanted to make some people jealous and state that we are in the middle of getting a 8Mb connection for home. 10GB in each peak n off peak for only $49.95 pm plus line costs.
Check it out on at the moment im on dial up or GPRS until its setup. Should only be a few days.
Found out that several people are reading this. People who aren't close friends but aquaintances. Guess I know how someothers feel when I read theirs.
Mixed feelings. Do I go stuff it, bugger them if they want to read it - hope they enjoy it. Will just have to remember this when I post things.
Alternatively do I abandon this one and start a new one and NEVER give out the URL.
Hmmm will have to think about this one.
Dodgy shoulder
Welcome back to my dodgy shoulder. It decided to make an appearence on Thursday night on the way home from work. I cant remember doing anything that would have hurt it. But the fact still remains i was in excruiating pain that night. So i went to doctors on Friday and was prescribed a muscle relaxant and a sling for the next few days. It helped heaps.
I thought i didnt favour my right hand very much, but now im not so sure. Just little things like getting dressed definately requires 2 hands for me. Only wish i had practised writing with my left more.
But anyway its all fixed now, no more pain and all movement is back.
Might go to gym this arvo just for a light workout n see how it goes.