Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ouch ! that has to hurt

As I was walking down the stairs all was going well. Then I must have slipped or didnt see the bottom stair or something. I had only 1 drink 2 hrs before so it wasnt that at all!!!!!!!!!!!

So here I am sitting at the bottom of the stairs. A nice guy came over n asked if I was ok n helped me up. As soon as I got up I knew it was bad. It had already started to swell and pound.

Managed to get across the road and into a taxi and went home. Left Miss K at Star to meet up with her friends.

At home I had the very difficult task of removing my shoe n sock, any longer i think i would have had to cut my shoe off.

So here I am with an extremely sore/bruised/swollen foot.

Oh n I have one of those very important "meetings" tomorrow morning. Have asked my flatemate to borrow his auto car to get myself there. As its my left foot I cant clutch.

So Im going to have a fun week.


At 5:19 pm , Blogger Mei said...

That doesn't sound good...... hope it gets better soon!


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