Sunday, January 15, 2006

Farewell to Bailey

Well after so much discussion and general talk its now time. Bailey is going away and we dont know if she will ever be back. Kinda sad really.

I first met her when we bboth worked at Westpac maybe 8 years ago. She is one of those people you have known for years and catch up with when u both get a chance even if this is every 6months or so.

Anyway it will be sad to see her go, but im sure when she reaches the states she will be in contact.

So to faewell her we wont on a harbour cruise. Took a friend with me as everyone should know I dont go anywhere alone. Miss K had been on one of these cruise things before and so suggested upstairs outside as the best spot to sit. Was really nice, excellent view. I've never been on the harbour before so was enjoying the view.

Boat docked at Star City and Miss K n I decided to leave, next dock was 4am and we both had things to do in the morning. So we started to make our way down stairs then it happened.......................................................


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